Special Thanks
I will like to give a speical thanks to those other than my parents as though I appreciate eveyone I must admit that there are times where I forget to thank those other than the ones who birthed me and the one who gave me life. In saying so I would first like to thank
First of all, I just want to praise and thank God for the opportunity to share my story and for giving me the wisdom and perseverance to continue this. May His will always be done and may His glory always shine. God’s strength has encouraged me even through the hardest times. I praise Him for the wisdom and knowledge He has given me and the courage as well as I have needed to continue pursuing the mission He has presented to me.
Calvary Chapel Corona
Thank you for Calvary Chapel Corona! You have given me an opportunity to grow and have given me the resources needed to pursue my relationship with God. Special thanks to Pastor Nate and his wife Meghan for always being there for me and dealing with my million questions lol.
I will like to give a special thanks to my wonderful boyfriend Tommy. Thank you for always encouraging me to get into the word more often and just reminding me to let the Holy Spirit fill me. You have been patient with me while I work on this and you have always been caring towards me. I praise God for you as you have helped me grow so much in my walk with Him. I can't thank you enough. I love you.